Saturday, November 30, 2013


This is one if the ways in which Christ followers can make a physical act to reveal an inward heart change. In accepting His direction and plan for me, I feel it was a pertinent time to seriously think about baptism. After dedicating my college years to Him (through campus ministry, nursing, personal life..) and moving forward into my profession, now more than ever is a time to make a commitment to place Him first in my life.

Here's what I shared.

I've been blessed to be raised in a Christ centered home, but I've struggled, as I'm sure all if us do, with understanding what it really means to trust Him with my life.

I often relied on my own abilities, my own knowledge, or my own desires. I questioned circumstances out of my control. I am broken. But God has shown me that despite my fears and shortcomings, he is always there. In no way have I earned any of the blessings he has graciously given me. He makes me whole, replacing my brokenness with grace and forgiveness, he is always there, and He is indeed in control. 

I'm so happy I have this freedom to publicly declare him as my savior, for he will never leave my side; in response to Jesus' death for my sins, I make my life a living sacrifice. As we say in Michigan football: I'm all in.

On stage with everyone to be baptized! Crazy to be in from of hundreds of people.

My roommate Esther!
Thank to everyone who came out, I felt so loved!

Pastor Bryan and I, we're standing in a warm bathtub 

I had gross wet hair, but I love this picture. And I love my parents!

Well I learned that changing a proline dressing should be sterile, ie everyone in the room has to wear a mask and clean the site with chlorhexidine.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Took my patient for a walk (praise Jesus because before he was winded just from transferring from chair to bed) and he said he wanted to tell me how he really appreciated my care. I was a joy and, if he always had older nurses, it would be boring.

 I forget his exact words because my first reaction is always to immediately dismiss kindness like this. But I know it made me feel nice inside. I'm not great with words but I want to work on how to convey to patients how much they, in turn, are inspiring me. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

One of my favorite patients..He is selfless and humbly asks for things. He is an inspiration to me; hopefully other nurses can also see God's light shining through him. 

And he has a sense of humor, referring to his nipples as raisins.

I hope he gets to leave the hospital and go home for thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I survived my first shift without a mentor Sunday!! I was so happy and felt super blessed that it was the first day of my foreseeable career:)

However, today was entirely different. A patient treated me as less than a person, and I let him. I'm slowly realizing the difference between unconditional love and standing up for the respect I deserve.