Saturday, December 29, 2012


I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while...I always postponed it though, because I'm not the most eloquent person or into technology with these types of things. What pushed me over the edge was not to "have more thoughts" or "see how many views I'll get" but more...that I could record my patient interactions from clinical and realize what God has been doing in my life and those around me. I'm on a path to "help people," but what good is it if I can only recall a handful stories about people who have changed me? Surely there have been more than that, but my memory naturally and easily fades amidst frustration, tiring hours, and things to do when I get home. By now, my senior year in college, with 288 clinical hours this semester..and probably over 400 hours total, with work on TOP of that.. I should have a lot more to say about how UMHS has softened my heart to God's suffering people. 

So, at a screening of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, 12/7/12, I thought "I think I do a lot to fight injustice and much as a college student can at least, without breaking my bank account, but I see a lot of suffering within a mile from my campus, how can I share THAT?" 

Once in a while, I'll have a friend ask, "How was clinical/work? Any good stories?" And even less, I've been able to tell the trials and triumphs I have the privilege of witnessing. It's as much of an exercise for me, as much as for you the reader, to open my eyes to how these people have molded me, shaped me, and produced me into a compassionate and caring nurse.

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