Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Call

I've been following the Urbana '12 stream this past break. I expected this "testimony" portion to be..not so moving..compared to David Platt's piercing sermon and other expositions in Luke so far. However, boy was I in for a surprise..

Thoughts after the video:
The enormity of troubles in third world countries due to lack of access to medical supplies and educated individuals always hits home, as a nurse-to-be, but this video has taken that to another level, near tears. Awareness is one thing, but action is another. I hope to one day have the opportunity and courage to really put into practice the skills and compassion I've learned the past few years. 

In a conversation at CFW '12, Fred Bailey asked if I was going to Urbana...and at the time, I was planning to. There would be many organizations where I don't have to give a year at a time (a concern of mine as a new grad nurse) but I could "tithe" in a way, a month each year...or something to that nature.. I thought to that's perfect! I have always thought of doing some missional work with my very applicable, very hands on profession...(not to mention my oh-so-caring heart...haha.. :)

Unfortunately I am not at Urbana..but I feel that this is still a call to..make sure my "yes" isn't a flimsy, wishy-washy thing that could get put on the back burner down the road, to ensure that my heart really IS aligned with his and that the love I can share can be far more than I will ever be able to see with my human eyes.

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